Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Is that a Vagina You're Zapping in the Microwave? By sTeeTo

Oh, it's not? That's odd, because it smells EXACTLY like a vagina. 

Okay, so I know I am not alone here, but this is an obvious one people. This is simple etiquette in the work place. It's not even etiquette, it's more of a logical thought process. Let me lay it out for you. If something that you consume has the reputation of smelling like genitalia, DO NOT heat it up at WORK in the microwave. Period.

Do you remember the first time you made that brilliant decision to be selfish and force everyone to smell a steaming hot vagina during the lunch hour? Yes? Okay, so do you remember everyone around you commenting about how fucking disgusting it smelled? Not ONE person complimented on how succulent the aroma was that permeated from your lunch that day, not ONE. Okay, so with that in mind, why in the fuck would you do this again? Why? 

Please, do us all a favor and eat your fish at home. 

If I had the means to replicate the odor of a sweaty ball sac in liquid form, I would do so in a heart beat. Then, do you know what I would do? I would pour it in my Vegetable Soup and heat that shit up on "Supafly TNT Muthafuckin' HIGH" for twenty-five minutes,  JUST to spite you. Luckily (for all of us),  I do not have the resources to achieve this repulsive endeavor. I do know that even if I was capable of such things that the logical thought process that I mentioned earlier would kick in and I would be reminded that YOU are not the ONLY one in the work place. I would never put the rest of my co-workers through something so horrifying. This may come as a shock, but it's not all about you. 

1 comment:

bloggerskank said...

ahhhhh....yes....the vagina lunch. I can smell the aroma now.... Do your particular people, like, look at each piece before putting the tasty bite of vagina into their mouth and say, "mmmmmm.....this is soooo goooood".....or does someone walk by & say "ohhh....what are you eating?? It looooks so good"....I just have to say that it is very difficult to work with that smell of cunt lurking in the background.....