Friday, February 20, 2009

Gym Etiquette 101. By Brooke (Guest BitchBlogger).

After reading Jeeto’s latest bitchfest entry I was inspired to contribute my own story in hopes to get at least one of my issues off my chest. As an avid runner and occasional “bodypumper” I have been an active and loyal member of a local gym since moving to Boise two years ago. Any of you who are active gym goers can understand that there is a whole set of rules and etiquette that come with working-out; the majority of which is unspoken but understood by most. Unfortunately not everyone is blessed with common sense, which brings me to my story. This particular Wednesday, I arrived at the gym just before 6pm which was my first mistake as this is the busiest time of the day. As I circled the premises looking for an open treadmill, I silently cursed all of the “New Year’s Resolution” patrons who have inflexed the gym since January and usually linger around until March – that’s a whole separate bitchfest entry. Anyway, after a couple of circles and no treadmill to be found, I finally settled on an elliptical in the “exclusive” women’s workout section of the gym. While I hate the elliptical, I figured I would squeeze in a bit of extra cardio until a treadmill became available. Sure enough, five minutes later one opened up. I promptly grabbed my belongings and started towards the vacant machine. Just as I was stepping on, I heard this extremely rude “Excuse Me!” I looked over to see that the culprit was an extremely thin older woman with big bushy curls, standing on the elliptical next to my treadmill. “Oh,” I stammered shocked and surprised, “were you getting on this treadmill?” She looked at me accusingly and rudely snarled “uh yeah!” Again, shocked by her tone and malicious looks I slinked away like a scorned dog and let the bitch have the treadmill. I then retreated back to my elliptical, fighting tears the whole way. I know, a bit dramatic but I was in shock that a stranger would speak to me that way and upset that I let her get away with it! I spent the next 20 minutes fuming and shooting glares in her direction whenever possible…though I don’t think she noticed. While I have been known to be slightly obsessive with my workouts I vowed then and there to never let myself get to the point that the obviously anorexic woman had gotten to. To the old skinny woman with the big curly hair – get over yourself and realize that you are so thin that you should give your poor body a break. Also, since you go to a PUBLIC gym, note that you do not have any prior claim on any workout equipment. I know it may be difficult for you but try to show a little bit of common courtesy to those around you.

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