Thursday, April 24, 2008

When is Your Umbrella Too Large? by sTeeTo

I live in Portland. A well-known fact is it rains here quite often. I'm not complaining, I love the rain and the vibrant foliage that flourishes from it. What I am going to complain about is those of you who feel it is necessary to use those ridiculously oversized umbrellas. If the people you see walking towards you appear to be victims during a mean game of Dodgeball, they're not crazy in the least bit. They're simply attempting to avoid having their eyes gouged out by the two person tent you have hovering above your head. It's just rain, people! 

1 comment:

bloggerskank said...

Umbrellas are for tards. Get your hair wet-it doesn't look all that great when it is dry, losers!! (not you, Steets!!)