Thursday, April 24, 2008

Jeeto's very first BITCHFEST BLOG

Hi, it’s me, Jeets. Steets and I had an idea for creating a blog site where we can bitch about stuff that pisses us off. Now, like 3 months later—here it is, our idea has come to fruition. Now let’s see if Steets and I can keep this going strong. It seems like we should be able to—I don’t see an end to our fuel supply in the near future as we deal with the lame and ignorant on a daily basis.

Today I'll start off by bitching about the weather (which I'm sure will piss Steeto off and she'll have to post a blog about me). BUT I am SICK of the cold. Please start acting like spring so that my sore throat and stuffy nose will GO AWAY.

Welcome to our blog, ladies and gentleman. And goodbye for now.

1 comment:

Jeeto's Mom said...

As your mother, I can't tell you how proud I am of you. You've taken complaining to a new level. I always knew you'd be a ground-breaker!

Love, Mom