Monday, October 13, 2008

Thanks to The Plumber!!

I am just getting ready for work and am already frustrated before I am even there! Do you want to know why? Because now that The Plumber is only allowed to work two hours at a time doing data entry, everyone else gets fucked. How so? Well everyone used to get a break from the public by either scanning or doing mail every few weeks. Now we are just going back and forth from the counter to the phones. It is absolutely ridiculous. This will only cause more frustration with my co-workers and most likely even more people will be calling in sick, because I'm sorry, but one can only handle so much of dealing with fucking morons on a daily basis. I am just pissed at the moment, I know that not everyone is a moron that has a traffic ticket, but this is what happens when you don't get a break from the public. It affects EVERYONE. What's even more amazing is when she is going back and forth to her chosen little jobs she takes at least 20 minutes and by the time she is there she hardly does a fucking thing. Okay I'm done for now. This is basically a free write so I'm just letting it all out for now. I better get ready for the day. This will be my motivation to get the fuck out. Graphic Design here I come!! 

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