Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Ergonomic Adventures of The Plumber, Part sTeeTo

I honestly thought that this Plumber ordeal couldn't get much worse. Boy, was I mistaken. Not only has it gotten worse,  it has morphed into something rather humiliating. Humiliating to the Plumber? Oh no, of course not. Remember, she still considers herself a Diva, or better yet, The Diva. The Non-Plumbers of this world would see this as a "I want to dig a hole in the ground six feet deep using nothing but my bare hands and bury myself right now" kind of deal. Why has it come to this point, you ask?  Well, if you will take my hand, I will introduce you to the Ergonomic Adventures of The Plumber. Oh and before we start, be sure you have a lumbar support for your lower back, don't forget to keep your legs bent at a ninety-degree angle, and please be sure both of your feet are flat on the floor. Okay, now we're ready for the Ergonomic Adventures of The Plumber. 

First of all, as we all know, working in any type of office environment requires one to use a rubber stamp. You may think that this action doesn't require, well, any action. Oh, but you are misinformed my fellow office clerk. Let me mention a few of the muscles involved and see if you can guess where these are located. The Longus Capitis, Infarhyoids, Suprahyoids, Splenius Capitis and the Semispinalis Capitis. Now you might think these muscles would be found in the wrist or perhaps even the arm. That would be the logical guess, seeing that we don't use our feet to stamp with or we don't put the fucking thing in our mouths and bang our heads atop our desks, unless you're into that type of thing. Okay, I'm getting side tracked. I think my lumbar support needs readjusting. Okay, that's better. I'm back on track. Do you know where the Plumber had her "on the job" injury? In her neck. So you guessed it! She has managed to get the Ergonomics Team involved and supply her with a gigantic time stamp machine that was built in 1962 because of her fucking NECK! So now, for anyone who is lucky enough to sit at her knick-knack infested desk they now have even LESS desk space due to this monstrosity. More kudos to The Plumber! Way to go! You get five stars for making an even bigger ass of yourself. So, do me a favor. The next time you use your rubber stamp think about how much you're NOT using your neck to do this or even better try to use your neck while you stamp. I'm guessing you'll have to get the creative juices flowing on this one. Why? Because we don't use our fucking necks to stamp documents!!