Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"Do You Have a Rewards Card With Us?" by Jeeto.

I don't know what it is about it, but I am SICK to death of all the fucking rewards cards that every store on the face of the earth seems to have now. I'm thanking Albertsons for this.

Thank you Albertsons. 

It's like, I wouldn't mind if businesses had some kind of POS* display or employees even wore degrading buttons that said, "Ask me about our Super Cool Rewards Card!" because then it would be MY CHOICE at my CONVENIENCE  to sign up for one IF and WHEN I wanted to. But what irritates the fucking hell out of me is when I want to hurry up and make my purchase, but before the checker can even ring in my items they have to ask, "And do you have a Rewards Card with us?" Then I have to say no. Then they have to ask me if I want one. Then I have to say no AGAIN. Then they like to explain how it takes "just a second" and that I'll save "up to 10%" if I sign up for one and then I say, "NO THANK YOU." for a third time and then WHAM-- I'm a fucking Barnes and Noble outcast and the checker looks at me like, "Oh... I guess he doesn't read that much..." Not to mention that when I bought a Starbucks coffee at Barnes and Noble I was asked there too. That's twice in one store. That's probably like 20 waisted seconds of my life. Okay, well now I sound like an asshole... But I don't care. It's annoying for me, it's annoying for the poor individual waiting in line behind me. I was asked the same thing at Fred Meyer tonight too. 

So that's 3 times, two stores. One night.

I will applaud Albertsons however, for making their "Rewards Card" simple enough that you don't even have to remember to bring it with you, because all you need is a phone number. And that takes two seconds, no swipe, no stupid ass little fucking key chain that gets all dirty and ripped up and looks like shit in three weeks.

Peace for now.

*Jeeto made me feel like a fucking moron for not knowing that POS stands for Point of Sale, so just in case someone reading this hasn't worked retail for awhile this will explain it, my fellow idiot. -sTeeTo

1 comment:

bloggerskank said...

Oh, yes, & don't forget Rite Aid!! I searched for my fucking card.....finally found it...and it knocked off a whopping 35 cents.